Post 4: 'Time Travel to the past or future'

 Hello everyone, in this post I am going to write about things that I think about the future and some activities that I would like to do.

As is known, the problem of climate change is real, and day by day it seems to become more complex as a result of the series of human behaviors that deteriorate the environment. With this panorama in the background, it is difficult to imagine a future scenario where life is not difficult for us, since day after day the emission of polluting gases, the large amount of waste left by industrial activity and human activity, deforestation as well as the high consumption of animal meat -and the amount of food necessary for its breeding- accelerate the process of environmental damage.

When I was a child, I imagined the future as a place where life would be easier, where technology would be more environmentally friendly, facilitating communication but not destroying our ecosystem. Although I cannot deny that current technology allows us to transport and communicate more immediately, the amount of waste it generates -such as products that quickly fall into disuse- makes me question how favorable it is for us.

For this reason, at this time I prefer to imagine a future where I can live in a place where we try to correct all the damage caused, starting from our relationship with other non-human species, that considers the consequences caused by the food industry to take into account alternative forms of plant-based food, thus avoiding the suffering of these species and improving the quality of our environment. That is the place I would like to visit!


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