Post 5 : Changes to my study program

 Hello everyone, in this post I am going to tell you about my experience studying Archaeology and the modifications I would make to the syllabus.

First of all I would like to mention that at the University of Chile, Archaeology corresponds to a mention within the career of Anthropology, for this reason during the first two years I had to take a basic cycle. However, I believe that during these first two years I had the opportunity to learn some knowledge related to the other mentions, which provided me with a broader perspective when it came to understanding social phenomena, as well as statistical analysis tools, among others. 

Among the modifications I could make to the curriculum, first I think we should have more practical instances that involve field trips, since these are the instances that bring us closer to the actual execution of our future work. I am aware that due to the current pandemic context, as well as the reduction of resources managed by the faculty, the lack of land has been increasing, however, I hope that this situation will change in the future.

On the other hand, I also believe that there should be more subjects that address current issues, since in the career there is an emphasis on the analysis of pre-Hispanic periods to the detriment of more recent periods of Chilean history, currently we only have a subject of Historical Archaeology, where these contents are addressed but in a too general way. I emphasize this because my topics of interest are within this time frame.


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